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GEO-GEE Virtual Meetup: Land Degradation
GEO-GEE Virtual Meetup: Biodiversity and Climate Change
How WOCAT-FAO use Google Earth Engine Apps to map Land Degradation
FAO Head: Land Degradation Assessment is Landmark Resource
How important is the Land Degradation & Restoration Assessment?
Land Degradation Neutrality and Drought: Global Landscapes Forum 2020
IPBES Assessment of Land Degradation and Restoration
Global assessment of land degradation and restoration: key findings
Presentation on Land Degradation Neutrality (LDN) - Dr. Barron Joseph Orr, UNCCD STI Lead Scientist
Geo for Good Lightning Talks #11: GEO-GEE - Forest & Nature
Preventing and Mitigating Land Degradation: Nutrient Turnover and Terrestrial Carbon Sequestration
Geo for Good 2021 : What's New in Earth Engine?